Due to the prevailing Covid-restrictions the 1st Consortium meeting and Training Course had to take place online.
On 19 November 2021, 8 out of 9 ESRs joined the training course (1 ESR was not yet appointed at that time). The course started with a ‘get to know each other’ session with all ESRs, coordinator and project manager. Each ESR had to prepare 1 slide with 4 pictures:
1. Country of origin (and why this picture).
2. Most striking event in your new host country (comment on the context).
3. Favourite snack (why favourite).
4. Yourself at work or at home (comment on your current situation).
After this session the coordinator and project manager organised a quiz on various aspects of the DRUGtrain project.
At the training course 6 PI’s of the DRUGtrain consortium gave a presentation of various scientific aspects of the project. The last presentation was a guest lecture on FAIR Data stewardship and data management.

During the Consortium meeting each ESR presented an update on the progress of the ESR-project.
The Supervisory Board meeting with all PI’s and 2 ESR-representatives was dedicated to submission of the progress report, programming of the meetings and training courses 2022, and ethics issues of the project.
After the meeting, Tess Harris (Partner Organisation, PKD International) gave an impressive talk on the impact of Polycystic Kidney Disease on a patient’s life.