Poster presentation price for Vedangi Kulkarni
Vedangi Kulkarni won the Merck-GRADS Award (Graduate Research Advance in Delivery Science) for a poster presentation at the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Conference in Las Vegas, USA.
Poster presentation by Shannon Jenkins
Shannon Jenkins at the 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2023 (WCP2023) 2-7 July in Glasgow (Scotland)
Poster presentation by Vivi Sotiropoulou (SOT)
Vivi Sotiropoulou at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), 19-23 March 2023, NashvilleTennessee (USA).
Science is Wonderful 16th and 17th March 2023
Last week (16th and 17th March 2023) our ESRs Shannon Amy Jenkins and Alina Meyer went to Brussels to participate in the Science is Wonderful! 2023 science fair. And what a wonderful time they had!Students from all over Europe travelled to the event, hosted by Maison de la Poste, which included...
Poster presentation by Vivi Sotiropoulou
Vivi Sotiropoulou at the HypoxEU Live Conference, 11-13 September 2022, Dublin (IE).
Meeting visit by Annika Tillmann and and Alina Meyer
Annika Tillmann and Alina Meyer at the 13th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics / 24th meeting of Microsomes and Drug Oxidations, 11-14 September 2022, Seattle (US).
Poster presentation by Annika Tillmann
Annika Tillmann at the Annual meeting of the Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research, 23 September 2022, Manchester (UK).
Poster presentation by David Figueiredo Vidal
David Figueiredo Vidal at the International Conference on Computational Science 2022, 23-25 June 2022, London (UK).
Poster presentation by Bola Khalil
Bola Khalil at the International Conference on Computational Science 2022, 23-25 June 2022, London (UK).
Mid-Term Meeting in Leiden, 28-29 April 2022
Beginning a PhD is a daunting experience. Thrown into the deep end, equipped with nothing but enthusiasm and a penchant for research, students must quickly adapt to the realities of their new life. For the DRUGtrain ESRs, this also meant packing up and moving to a new country where we were given...