Unfortunately the EC Project Officer was not able to come to Leiden, due to Covid travel restrictions. Organiser LUMC had to reschedule the entire meeting to an online event. Luckily all ESRs were able to be present in Leiden in person, so they could finally meet each other for the first time.

At the end of the meeting, Vicente Torres (Director Mayo Clinic, US and member of the DRUGtrain Advisory Board) gave an online presentation on ‘Emergent therapies for ADPKD with a focus on cAMP signaling’.
The 2nd Training course took place the following day. All invited speakers and DRUGtrain PI’s involved in the training course were physically present. Koos Burggraaf (Director CHDR, NL and also member of the DRUGtrain Advisory Board) gave an invited lecture ‘From clinic to preclinic and back’. The afternoon session was filled with presentation on complementary skills, like entrepreneurship and boosting your career.